Digital Marketing
We are the leading digital marketing agency in Bangladesh.
We are well-known as the leading Digital marketing agency in Bangladesh. We are actively serving our digital marketing clients since 2008. Digital marketing is one of our core services along with web development and software development. If you want to take your company to the next level the first step is adopting digital marketing. In Roopokar Creative Studio, we consider every aspect of your industry and apply our digital proficiency to provide a secure action for success. CYBERHOSTING, a digital agency in Bangladesh provides the cutting edge and result oriented digital marketing service, As, a digital marketing agency in Bangladesh we provide digital marketing consultancy, Inbound marketing and outbound marketing. We have an experienced team working in diverse sectors of IT and marketing for executing your digital marketing job. As we are working in this sector since 2008, our service is robust and our team is well experienced. Besides, they are well aware and experienced with handling different kinds of problems associated with running a digital marketing campaign. So, clients love us. Move over, 90% of our digital marketing clients are the referral. Our clients still send us new year card.

Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization services is much more than a mere commitment towards working upon your site. Search engine users hardly ever go beyond the second or third page of search engine rankings. The audience today has become so net savvy that more than 80% of the website visitors come from the search engines. We provide your website with the following features in our Search engine optimization services package :
Facebook Marketing
Now a day Facebook marketing is very important. You can easily reach too many people by Facebook. Just some simple procedure we follow. Create a company page on Facebook. Write some imporatnt and attractive article for facebook. Start advertisement and make it viral in facebook. We advertise for page like so that once one connect with your page, can get notification regularly. For content we charge 2000 taka per article and 10000 taka per video content. You have to 10 taka per like for facebook advertisement.

YouTube Marketing
If you want to do video marketing then youtube is the best way. Any type of video will start after your 5 second video advertisement. Generally we charge 10 taka per video advertisement. We take 10,000 taka for animated video.
Google Marketing
If any one searches your product or service then google will show your company website or your advertisement. This is called google adward or google advertisement. We will advertise your website and information by google so that people can get you easily. We charge 10 taka per click on advertisement.

SMS Marketing
We have 5 Lac mobile numbers of different corporate people where you can send sms. Mobile number database list are given in the lower part of this proposal. You can send any amount of SMS. Generally 98% people read SMS. So this is one of the best marketing procedures to reach the target people. SMS marketing cost is 0.30 taka++ for non masking and 0.60 taka++ for masking. For masking you have to pay 15000 taka registration fee (one time).
Email Marketing
We will send your email proposal/design to 5 Lac corporate email of Bangladesh. These people are the top management of company like CEO, CTO, Project Manager, General Manager, Meneging Director, Chairman, President, Director etc. Beside this different kinds of organization like FBCCI, BGMEA, BASIS and different type of club like Dhaka Club, Uttara Club, Gulshan Club member’s email address are available in our corporate database. So you can reach them easily.
We will send this email by our software and you will get access to see the LIVE report of how much email we are sending. This report shows the email count only. We need 2/3 days to complete the full email marketing. You have to provide the design in text or html or .jpg picture. We also need your email subject, reply email address. Your email marketing cost will be 12000 taka for one time campaign to 5 lac corporate email address.